Boca Photos

You'll alway be my puppy, even though you're now my old man.

I created this site to remember you, the best that I can.

Boca as a pup.

Looks at those eyes.

That tail never stops wagging.

Even when you were young, that tail was always going. Grandma thinks you knock items over.

You love to walk.

Our multi-daily W-A-L-K (shush, he gets excitied if you say walk).

Laying in One of your Many Beds

You had so many beds, your first one was a special home-made bed when we got you, but when your brother died, you got your main bed.

Trying to Figure Out What I Said

That curious face you make when I talk to you has me wondering, does he "understand the words coming out of my mouth"

Getting Older

I need to update this without this stock photo